Posts Tagged ‘CSS menu’

CSS3 is changing how we build websites. Even though many of us are still reluctant to start using CSS3 due to the lack of support in some browsers, there are those out there that are moving forward and doing some amazing stuff with its cool new features. No longer will we have to rely on so much JavaScript and images to create nice looking website elements such as buttons and menu navigations. So, in order to encourage you to start experimenting with CSS3, we’ve rounded up 12 excellent CSS3 button and menu techniques.

Radioactive Buttons

css3 buttons

Read on »

For all of us who deal with long web pages and need to scroll to the top for the menu,

here’s a nice alternative: floating menus that move as you scroll a page. This is done

using HTML, CSS and jQuery, and it’s fully W3C-compliant.

View floating menu samples here

This tutorial covers how to create a “floating menu” using HTML, CSS, and jQuery. To

reiterate, a floating menu stays visible even if you scroll down a web page. They’re

animated, so they move up and down as you scroll the browser window up or down. I am

going to show you how to make a floating menu using jQuery and CSS, and hopefully make

some new jQuery disciples 😀 .

Before we continue to the coding steps, have a look at the two screen snaps below. The

first shows a web page with a floating menu at top right. Of course, you can’t tell it’s

floating until you see it live and actually scroll the page. So look at the second

snapshot, and you can see that the menu has moved.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Step 1

Let’s start with the HTML markup for a nice menu consisting of three sub-menus:
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<div id=”floatMenu”>
<li><a href=”#” onclick=”return false;”> Home </a></li>

<li><a href=”#” onclick=”return false;”> Table of content </a></li>
<li><a href=”#” onclick=”return false;”> Exam </a></li>
<li><a href=”#” onclick=”return false;”> Wiki </a></li>

<li><a href=”#” onclick=”return false;”> Technical support </a></li>

This is the basic markup we will use. The main part in this bit of HTML is the <div id=”

floatMenu”>…</div> in Line 01, which encapsulates the whole menu. The three lists are

only used to demonstrate structure, which can be modified to suit your needs. In this

case, there are three sections to the menu, as represented by three unordered HTML


As a matter of habit, I disable the click on dummy links (href=”#”). Just to be sure

that a click on a dummy link doesn’t send the page back to the top, there is also an

onclick=”return false;” in <a href>. This method allows to add menu item features such

as lightboxing – something that requires the page to stay at its current vertical

position when the user clicks on a menu link.

Step 2

Now we need some CSS rules to skin and position the menu. (I used Eric A. Meyer’s CSS

Reset, so that’s why there is no margin:0 or padding:0 on the ul element):
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body {
font:10px “Lucida Grande”, “Lucida Sans”, “Trebuchet MS”, verdana, sans-serif;
#floatMenu {
#floatMenu ul {
#floatMenu ul li a {
border:1px solid #999;
border-left:6px solid #999;
padding:5px 5px 5px 25px;

The body height (Line 03, above) has been set only to get enough room for our menu to

scroll up and down with the page. This should be removed in a real case scenario. The

two other things to take note of are the position:absolute (Line 08) and the left:50%

(Line 10), both in the #floatMenu CSS rule (Line 07), above.

The “position” attribute is used when you need to remove an element from the flow of the

document and keep it at a precise place in your page. If you use the text zoom function

of your browser, an element with absolute positioning will not move, even if the text

around it increases in size.

The “left” attribute is used to position the specific div element horizontally. The

value needs to be defined as a percentage in the case that we want a centered design.

With a 50% value, the left side of the container is positioned in the middle of the

page. To position it left or right we need to use the “margin-left” attribute (Line 11),

with a negative value for an offset to the left and a positive one for an offset to the


The others elements in the above stylesheet rules customize the visual design.

Step 3

Now we have a menu of three sections positioned in the upper right hand side of the

page. To enhance the menu item roll-over effect, let’s add style classes menu1, menu2

and menu 3 to each menu section, respectively (to each <ul> element). We will have 3

distinct sub-menus using our 3 <ul> tags. The code below is a modification of the HTML

code shown in Step 1 above:
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<div id=”floatMenu”>






Now let’s define some CSS hover-based roll-over effects, which will be different for

each menu section.
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#floatMenu ul.menu1 li a:hover {
#floatMenu ul.menu2 li a:hover {
#floatMenu ul.menu3 li a:hover {

Now each menu section will display a different color when the mouse hovers over a menu

item. If you like, you can also add rules for other menu link states using :link,

:visited, :hover and :active pseudo classes. The order in which you should write them

can be easily memorized like this: LoVe and HAte, where the capitalized letters

represents the first letter of each state.

Step 4

We’ve got a nice looking menu and could stop here, but we do want that floating menu, so

it’s time to add some jQuery. You’ll need to download the jQuery library and the

Dimensions plugin. This plugin will be used to grab information about the browser’s

window (width, height, scroll, etc.). You can link to both bits of jQuery code from your

HTML file in the <head>…</head> section. Just remember to change the URL path according

to where on your server you place the jQuery library and plugin files.
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<script language=”javascript” src=”jquery.js”></script>
<script language=”javascript” src=”jquery.dimensions.js”></script>

We’ll need some custom jQuery code as well, so start a new <script> section, also within

the <head>…</head> section of your HTML document:
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<script language=”javascript”>

Add the following jQuery code inside the the <script> section:
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// code will go here

The $(document).ready() function is similar to the window.onLoad but improved. With the

window.onLoad function, the browser has to wait until the whole page (DOM and display)

is loaded. With the $(document).ready() function, the browser only waits until the DOM

is loaded, which means jQuery can start manipulating elements sooner.

Step 5

We need a listener for the “scroll page” window event. Our custom jQuery script now

looks like this:
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$(window).scroll(function () {
// code will go here

A listener is an event handler waiting on standby for a particular window event to

happen – in this a page scroll up or down.

Step 6

Since our menu will “float” as the page is scrolled, we need to track its initial

position. Instead of hard-coding that into the jQuery, we’ll read it’s position using

the Dimensions jQuery plugin, then use the retrieved value. We will do the same with the

name of our menu. Let’s add two variable definitions (Lines 01, 02) so that our code now

looks like this:
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var name = “#floatMenu”;
var menuYloc = null;

menuYloc = parseInt($(name).css(“top”).substring(0,$(name).css(“top”).indexOf

$(window).scroll(function () {
// code will go here

Lines 01 and 02 define variables “name” and “menuYloc”. Line 05 sets the value of

“menuYloc”. The “name” variable will be used to reference our floating menu. The

“menuYloc” variable will contain the original vertical position of our menu.

Let’s look at how the value of menuYloc is set in Line 05. This statement is an example

of jQuery’s powerful function-chaining. First we read the “top” attribute value from the

CSS rules of our menu element (which is “150px”, set in Step 2). Then we strip off the “

px” string at the end, since we only need the “150? part. To do this, the jQuery function

call .css(“top”) first finds the value of the top attribute for the menu. (This

attribute was set in Line 09 of the code in Step 2, above.) That results in retrieving

the value “150px”. Then the .indexOf() function finds where the “px” in “150px” starts,

and the .substring() function ensures we save everything before the “px”. The .parseInt

() function turns the string “150? into an numeric integer value.

Step 7

We now arrived at the fun part of this tutorial: animating the menu to make it “float”.

To do this, we need to determine how far the page has scrolled in pixel dimension. We

have the original menu location stored in variable “menuYloc”. We need the offset of the

scroll bar, which we can get from the command $(document).scrollTop(), defined in the

Dimensions jQuery plugin. After grabbing the offset we can add the animate command.

Lines 07 and 08, below, show the new code:
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var name = “#floatMenu”;
var menuYloc = null;

menuYloc = parseInt($(name).css(“top”).substring(0,$(name).css(“top”).indexOf

$(window).scroll(function () {
var offset = menuYloc+$(document).scrollTop()+”px”;

The variable “offset”, in Line 07 above, contains the difference between the original

location of the menu (menuYloc) and the scroll value ($(document).scrollTop()), in pixel

measurement. To make it work as a CSS rule, we add the necessary measurement unit, “px”,

after the numeric value. Now we can apply the vertical offset, as calculated, to

position the menu and thus making it move.

To make it all look nicer, let’s make use of jQuery’s animation options. We’ve stored

the menu name in the variable “name” and can recall it when needed, to use it along with

the .animate() function. The animate function requires two parameters: (1) the style

properties, and the (2) animation options. In this tutorial, we just need to animate the

“top” CSS property, but to specify additional parameters, separate each property:value

pair with a comma (,).

We’re using two parameters here. The “duration” is the length of the animation
in milliseconds, and the “queue” is a list of all positions we want our object to be

animated to. Since we only want to animate our object to its final location (the browser

’s current scroll location), we set “queue” to false.

We should now have a functioning floating menu.

Website menu has really important role in almost all websites, it makes webiste navigation easier and saves space to display the more contents. Besides, the modern website menu has the features of usability and appearance. A clear and usable website menu can guide the users to the wanted page with one-click; and an attractive and eye-catching website menu can decorate the website better. To create a website menu, the several techniques are available, such as JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, Flash and Database. Let’s view the website menu styles made by various techniques:

Website menu styles made by JavaScript

dhtml-menunavigation menudrop down menuWebsite menu styles made by CSS


css menu

drop-down menu

Dropdown menus and menu bars have been heavily used since the early days of graphical user interfaces. Their use has become ubiquitous, and even expected, in desktop applications, and the web has quickly followed suit. There are lots of dropdown menus already out there. Here you’ll find 5 sexy jQuery and CSS based drop-down or just multi level menu tutorials with down loadable files and explanations as well.


If You are web developer great navigation menus always comes handy. I united this list for people like me, who sometimes wants to do job fast and choose from already prepared examples, which are easy to use. So here are many resources starting from very simple HTML and CSS navigation menus, until very complicated and advanced jQuery, JavaScript and MooTools techniques used to get maximal control with fading, sliding, dragging etc. effects. Be sure to bookmark this site for later use!

From Dainis Graveris