Navigation menus have to be intuitive, precise and easy-to-use. One simple, basic principle, which is common for all kinds of nav bars you would ever want to use for your projects. In fact, navigation menu is probably the most important element in web design: after all, it is being used more often than any other element on a given page. Therefore it’s important to make sure that your visitors will find they way around the site structure – however complex the latter might be.
So how do designers cope with a challenging task to create an attractive and usable menu? Which results can be achieved? OK, that’s a tough one. Let’s take a look around.
Below you’ll find 8 beautiful and user-friendly Navigation Menus and solutions.
Pulmad, peod, lillesalong… – Annilill Peoteenindus
EGOLOUNGE *Büro für digitales Design
Convan Design – Howdy
far from fearless
Erika Greco – Blog