Posts Tagged ‘web application’

Facebook might not have all the glittery text and obnoxious backgrounds that MySpace has, but it still has its fair share of useless apps.

This is especially true if you have ever tried to search for creative Facebook apps or those that may be of interest to creative people.

If you have ever searched for such a thing, you have no doubt realized that there is an abundance of useless apps. This is the reason that I went through just about every app on Facebook to find the very few that were best suited for creative individuals, or had some sort of visual flair about them.

So here are 25 awesome Facebook applications that most designers will enjoy in their Facebook pages.

1. Addicted to Photoshop

This is a neat app brought to you by the master minds behind the “Sheezy” sites (Brusheezy, Flasheezy, etc).

“Photoshop Brush Junkies Rejoice! Get your daily fix of new Photoshop brushes and patterns from!”

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