Posts Tagged ‘tree menus’

What’s DHTML tree menus?

DHTML tree menus are navigation menu used for large scale website. It also known as a links bar or link bar, which pulls down its nodes after mouse movement. It contains hypertext links on web page so as to navigate between the pages of a website, and quick link to the target page.

tree menu sampleWhy choose this DHTML menu maker?

  • Cross-browser navigation menu works excellently on main-stream browsers on various platforms.
  • Edit web menu directly in HTML editors as add-on, Dreamweaver, FrontPage included.
  • Build SE friendly navigation menu by the useful tool.
  • Publish wizard guides publishing the navigation bar, JavaScript menu to website step by step.
  • Customizes element for web menu, like font, icon, background, color, border, cursor, effects, alignment, transparency, size, etc.
  • Offers 50+ free menu templates and image library resources .
  • Any HTML code can be used within the JavaScript menu item.

DHTML menu templates

Sothink Tree Menu offers excellent menu templates by usage, and one customized type in the template gallery. You can start web menu from template; create a blank menu and apply a template to it later; and create new templates and modify the existing ones.

tree menu samples

How to make tree menus ?

Step 1: Create DHTML tree menus from built-in templates

Launch Sothink Tree Menu, “Startup” window opens, you can start menu from built-in templates or new blank. First, click the name from built-in templates to select the menu; and then, preview menu style in preview window of Startup; last, click “OK” to start menu creation.

tree menu templateStep 2: Edit nodes and replace the contents

Add or remove nodes for DHTML tree menus. The added nodes will auto-inherit the node’s properties. Replace the text and set the link for each menu item.

tree menuStep 3: Publish menu to website

Menu creation is finished. Click the button “Publish” to publish DHTML menu. After the option is check, you can follow the step to publish your navigation to website. And upload all the resources.tree menu - publish

For website, navigation tree menu maybe keep the same menu link and menu text for long time.  Is it tedious? No, web designer won’t make it come true. The experienced designers can apply diverse styles to make tree menu attractive and stunning.  Almost all elements in tree menu can be customized, and become the spotlight to beautify the website.

The tree menu will present a new look even a tiny element is modified, which brings exciting to website. With Sothink Tree Menu, the beginners can customize the styles in intuitive interface with ease; it provides image library of various types to design menu tree style; and the outside files can be imported to tree menu to form your own style.

Let’s compare some tree menus, and view the magic about tree menu style:

  1. Set size to get another tree menu, which is completely different menu tree.
    (Enter “Global Settings > General” to set width and height for the whole tree menu)
    Tree Menu Size
  2. Set properties for tree menu and its items to build a totally different web menu, these properties include background, color, font, etc.
    (Select node in  Tree panel, and enter  “Node Settings > Font” or “Node Settings  > Background” panel to set their properties.)
    Tree Menu Style
  3. Add graphics to customize button, line, arrow and cursor images.
    (Select node or sub-tree; enter the related option in “Global Settings” panel to set image properties.)

    Customize Tree Menu

  4. Disable some nodes in tree menu, which needs to be changed from time to time.
    (Check the selected nodes, and enter   “Node Settings > Advanced” to set this function)

    Disable Tree Menu

  5. Tree menu expands its sub-tree with dynamic and visual effect after mouse interacts with menu tree, which gives the visitors deep impression. The program presets the various effects for showing or hiding sub-tree respectively, effect speed can be set too.

View more tree menu samples to get inspiration; download tree menu builder to DIY your tree menu with customizable menu style.