Markup is a beautiful thing, and it certainly has changed over the years. What was effectively HTML1, has certainly progressed to an amazing semantic markup language, to which we can largely thank the W3C. And, what do ya know, the next thing to thank them for has come about – HTML5.
Unlike previous version of HTML, where the code was mostly a limited structure that was determined by how you made use of the class and ID elements, html5 really attempts to provide much more structure.
All of the layout can be created with semantic tags and elements that determine how you should structure, and, arguably more important, that help you structure each page. This produces code that is much more clean and readable than in previous versions of HTML, and really is something quite amazing. The new tags really require that you think about how you are structuring your page, which let’s be honest – in the end that is a great thing for us web designers and developers alike.
Before understanding the structure of HTML5, and how to create and code an example template to use for your projects you should be aware of how it came about. Be aware though that the current version of HTML5 has not reached a version that the W3C could call final as of yet, but their is quite a lot to learn about and start using in your code right now. Here is what the W3C has to say on this issue: Read on »