Drop Down Menu Builder - Create SE friendly DHTML menu, JavaScript menu, web menu and navigation bar in clicks.
Drop Down Menu Builder - Sothink DHTML Menu
Sothink DHTML Menu is the best drop down menu builder, which creats great JavaScript menu without coding. This menu maker creates cross-browser, SE friendly DHTML menu to guide the viewers to the target page. Sothink DHTML Menu provides 100+ free menu templates, pre-set styles and image library to quick start menu design. Seamless integration with HTML editors; fully customize menu style.
- DHTML menu works well on IE9 | JavaScript menu creator supports DW CS5
DHTML Menu Builder - Menu Samples

JavaScript Menu maker - Main Features
Better Performance
- Be compatible with cross-browsers: including the latest IE9, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari 5 (Win/Mac).
- Integrates with web editors as add-ons, such as DW(Support CS5), FP, EW and GoLive.
- Builds database-driven JavaScript menu with ASP, PHP, JSP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, etc.
Special Menu
- Creates special web menu easily, such as scrolling menu, tab menu, cross-frame menu, highlight menu, multi-level/multi-column menu, custom navigation bar, floating menu, right-to-left menu, keyboard navigation menu, etc.
- Hides certain separators or items as needed in menu creator.
- Position navigation bar anywhere fixedly or relatively on webpage.
Customizable Style
- Customizes properties for web menu, like font, icon, background, border, cursor, effects, alignment, transparency, size, etc. download Responsive WordPress Themes
- Selects and edits images from Image Library and Background Library to set icon, arrow, background and separator.
- Adjusts the color, tint & brightness to edit the image or choose corners and edges separately for surround.
Easy Usability
- Offers rich templates, styles and image library.
- Save background color of preview window in PGT files, which make it convenient for editing next time.
- Publish wizard guides publishing the navigation bar, JavaScript menu to website step by step.
- Any HTML code can be used within the JavaScript menu item.
- Supports W3C Valid XHTML 1.0.
- More features of DHTML menu maker >>
- Differences from Sothink Tree Menu >>